Madhuka – ByPlants Buy Your Plants! Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:52:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Madhuka – ByPlants 32 32 234729576 Madhuca indica -Ilippa, Mahuva, Mohwa, Madhuka, Madhuka, Indian Butter Tree, Mahva, Honey Tree, Hippe Mara, Iluya, Illupi, Ippa Chettu – Plant Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:31:58 +0000 Mohwa is a significant Indian forest tree, prized not for its timber but for its delectable and nutritious flowers. Its abundant growth provides a vital food source for the people of Central India, as the flowers can be stored for extended periods. The tree is large and deciduous, boasting thick, vertically cracked and wrinkled grey bark. Extracts from Mohwa have diverse medicinal applications, such as massage oil offering analgesic effects, flower juice used for dermatological conditions and pittaj headaches, and flower pulp combined with milk for nerve disorders as a nervine tonic. Additionally, flower decoctions aid in treating oedema, diarrhea, dysentery, and thirst, acting as carminatives and astringents. The fresh flower juice is utilized for bleeding disorders and as an expectorant for bronchitis and asthma. Flowers are also known for their aphrodisiac and galactogouge properties, aiding in seminal debility and increased breast milk secretion. The seeds’ pulp serves to prepare vaginal suppositories for menstrual induction, and Mohwa is also beneficial for dysuria, fever, and burning sensations.

(Medicinal value/use of the plant or any part of the plant is neither guaranteed nor assured by ByPlants ( Information on the website is provided from different online and offline sources, which may or may not have scientific assurance.)

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