Other Fruit Plants – ByPlants https://byplants.in Buy Your Plants! Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:52:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://byplants.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/ByPlants8-100x100.png Other Fruit Plants – ByPlants https://byplants.in 32 32 234729576 Kigelia pinnata – Sosauge Tree, Shiva Kundalam, Sivakundalam, Balam kheera, Jhar Phanus, Aanethoradu Kaayi, Mara Sowthae, Enuga thondamu, Kijili, Naagamalle – Plant https://byplants.in/product/kigelia-pinnata-sosauge-tree-shiva-kundalam-sivakundalam-balam-kheera-jhar-phanus-aanethoradu-kaayi-mara-sowthae-enuga-thondamu-kijili-naagamalle-plant/ https://byplants.in/product/kigelia-pinnata-sosauge-tree-shiva-kundalam-sivakundalam-balam-kheera-jhar-phanus-aanethoradu-kaayi-mara-sowthae-enuga-thondamu-kijili-naagamalle-plant/#respond Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:38:37 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5944 In Ayurveda, Kigelia pinnata, or the “sausage tree,” is valued for its anti-inflammatory properties, aiding skin care, wound healing, and pain relief. It is believed to have anti-aging effects and is used for breast health support. Additionally, Ayurvedic practitioners use it as a digestive aid.

(Medicinal value/use of the plant or any part of the plant is neither guaranteed nor assured by ByPlants (www.byplants.in). Information on the website is provided from different online and offline sources, which may or may not have scientific assurance.)

https://byplants.in/product/kigelia-pinnata-sosauge-tree-shiva-kundalam-sivakundalam-balam-kheera-jhar-phanus-aanethoradu-kaayi-mara-sowthae-enuga-thondamu-kijili-naagamalle-plant/feed/ 0 5944
Madhuca indica -Ilippa, Mahuva, Mohwa, Madhuka, Madhuka, Indian Butter Tree, Mahva, Honey Tree, Hippe Mara, Iluya, Illupi, Ippa Chettu – Plant https://byplants.in/product/madhuca-indica-ilippa-mahuva-mohwa-madhuka-madhuka-indian-butter-tree-mahva-honey-tree-hippe-mara-iluya-illupi-ippa-chettu-plant/ https://byplants.in/product/madhuca-indica-ilippa-mahuva-mohwa-madhuka-madhuka-indian-butter-tree-mahva-honey-tree-hippe-mara-iluya-illupi-ippa-chettu-plant/#respond Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:31:58 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5940 Mohwa is a significant Indian forest tree, prized not for its timber but for its delectable and nutritious flowers. Its abundant growth provides a vital food source for the people of Central India, as the flowers can be stored for extended periods. The tree is large and deciduous, boasting thick, vertically cracked and wrinkled grey bark. Extracts from Mohwa have diverse medicinal applications, such as massage oil offering analgesic effects, flower juice used for dermatological conditions and pittaj headaches, and flower pulp combined with milk for nerve disorders as a nervine tonic. Additionally, flower decoctions aid in treating oedema, diarrhea, dysentery, and thirst, acting as carminatives and astringents. The fresh flower juice is utilized for bleeding disorders and as an expectorant for bronchitis and asthma. Flowers are also known for their aphrodisiac and galactogouge properties, aiding in seminal debility and increased breast milk secretion. The seeds’ pulp serves to prepare vaginal suppositories for menstrual induction, and Mohwa is also beneficial for dysuria, fever, and burning sensations.

(Medicinal value/use of the plant or any part of the plant is neither guaranteed nor assured by ByPlants (www.byplants.in). Information on the website is provided from different online and offline sources, which may or may not have scientific assurance.)

https://byplants.in/product/madhuca-indica-ilippa-mahuva-mohwa-madhuka-madhuka-indian-butter-tree-mahva-honey-tree-hippe-mara-iluya-illupi-ippa-chettu-plant/feed/ 0 5940
Nutmeg Plant (Seedling) https://byplants.in/product/nutmeg-plant-seedling/ https://byplants.in/product/nutmeg-plant-seedling/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:31:10 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5860 Nutmeg, derived from the seeds of the Myristica fragrans tree, is predominantly produced in Indonesia and widely used as a spice worldwide, adding flavor to various dishes. It is available as ground powder or whole seeds, with nutmeg butter and essential oil also popularly used. Alongside its culinary appeal, nutmeg offers several health benefits as a potent source of antioxidants, safeguarding against aging and serious diseases like cancer, heart, and liver conditions. Moreover, nutmeg oil’s antibacterial properties make it valuable in dental products for fighting oral pathogens. Folk medicine suggests that nutmeg may act as an invigorating antidepressant, and it may aid in improving sleep quality, although further human studies are needed to confirm this effect. Additionally, nutmeg’s fiber content supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. However, it is vital to consume nutmeg in moderation, as excessive intake can be toxic and lead to hallucinations, making it potentially dangerous or even fatal.

https://byplants.in/product/nutmeg-plant-seedling/feed/ 0 5860
Nutmeg High yield (Bud) Plant https://byplants.in/product/nutmeg-high-yield-bud-plant/ https://byplants.in/product/nutmeg-high-yield-bud-plant/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:29:46 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5858 Nutmeg, derived from the seeds of the Myristica fragrans tree, is predominantly produced in Indonesia and widely used as a spice worldwide, adding flavor to various dishes. It is available as ground powder or whole seeds, with nutmeg butter and essential oil also popularly used. Alongside its culinary appeal, nutmeg offers several health benefits as a potent source of antioxidants, safeguarding against aging and serious diseases like cancer, heart, and liver conditions. Moreover, nutmeg oil’s antibacterial properties make it valuable in dental products for fighting oral pathogens. Folk medicine suggests that nutmeg may act as an invigorating antidepressant, and it may aid in improving sleep quality, although further human studies are needed to confirm this effect. Additionally, nutmeg’s fiber content supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. However, it is vital to consume nutmeg in moderation, as excessive intake can be toxic and lead to hallucinations, making it potentially dangerous or even fatal.

https://byplants.in/product/nutmeg-high-yield-bud-plant/feed/ 0 5858
Butter Fruit/Avocado (Graft) https://byplants.in/product/butter-fruit-avocado-graft/ https://byplants.in/product/butter-fruit-avocado-graft/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:24:26 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5842 Avocado is an evergreen tropical flowering plant with green, pear-shaped fruit which belongs to the Lauraceae family and scientifically known as Persea americana. The fruit of the plant avocado is also called as butter fruit or avocado pear or alligator pear, it is a berry containing a single large seed. The term avocado refers to both tree and fruit. Avocado is a unique fruit as most of the fruits are dense in carbohydrates, whereas butter fruit is loaded with healthy fats rendering a host of healing health benefits.

As per the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, avocados are fruits which do not hold a significant glycemic index as it contains a minimal amount of carbs and high in healthy fats. The creamy and delicious butter fruit is popularly known as venney pazham in Tamil and Malayalam, Makhanphal in Hindi, Benne Hannu in Kanada and Venna Pandu in Telugu.

https://byplants.in/product/butter-fruit-avocado-graft/feed/ 0 5842
Butterfruit/Avocado https://byplants.in/product/butterfruit-avocado/ https://byplants.in/product/butterfruit-avocado/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:23:03 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5841 Avocado is an evergreen tropical flowering plant with green, pear-shaped fruit which belongs to the Lauraceae family and scientifically known as Persea americana. The fruit of the plant avocado is also called as butter fruit or avocado pear or alligator pear, it is a berry containing a single large seed. The term avocado refers to both tree and fruit. Avocado is a unique fruit as most of the fruits are dense in carbohydrates, whereas butter fruit is loaded with healthy fats rendering a host of healing health benefits.


As per the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, avocados are fruits which do not hold a significant glycemic index as it contains a minimal amount of carbs and high in healthy fats. The creamy and delicious butter fruit is popularly known as venney pazham in Tamil and Malayalam, Makhanphal in Hindi, Benne Hannu in Kanada and Venna Pandu in Telugu.

https://byplants.in/product/butterfruit-avocado/feed/ 0 5841
Odapazham https://byplants.in/product/odapazham/ https://byplants.in/product/odapazham/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:20:43 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5838 Sarcostigma kleinii, a large liana abundant in the Western Ghats, holds significant value in Ayurveda. The seeds of this plant are a source of valuable oil, making it a widely used ingredient in traditional Ayurvedic practices.

https://byplants.in/product/odapazham/feed/ 0 5838
Ambazham/Ampazham Fruit Plant https://byplants.in/product/ambazham-ampazham-fruit-plant/ https://byplants.in/product/ambazham-ampazham-fruit-plant/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:19:18 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5837 When the fruit of Ambazahm got ripen, the skin and flesh turn golden-yellow. While the fruit is still firm, the flesh is crisp, juicy and subacid, and has a somewhat pineapple-like fragrance and flavour. It is common in Malayan gardens and fairly frequent in India and Ceylon. The fruit is harvested green for the Asian commercial market whilst Europeans prefer the ripe fruit harvested when yellow or when there is color change and allowed to ripen in a few days.

https://byplants.in/product/ambazham-ampazham-fruit-plant/feed/ 0 5837
Mootty Pazham/Rambi/Rambai Fruit Plant https://byplants.in/product/mootty-pazham-rambi-rambai-fruit-plant/ https://byplants.in/product/mootty-pazham-rambi-rambai-fruit-plant/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:17:32 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5835 Scientifically named as Baccaurea motleyana, ‘mootty’ fruit is commonly known as rambi or rambai. The fruit is called ‘mootty’ in Malayalam. Begin to bear fruits within four years of planting. Mootty fruit flavor sweet and sour taste, this fruit is found in forest areas

Each fruit has velvety pinkish at ripening and is filled with a whitish pulp containing 3 to 5 seeds. The pulp is sweet to acid in taste. They may be eaten raw or cooked or made into jam or wine. Studies have proved that the fruit has many medicinal properties. The edible fruits of Baccourea courtallensis are used as food and also in the treatment of many infectious diseases which include diarrhea, dysentery, and skin infection.

https://byplants.in/product/mootty-pazham-rambi-rambai-fruit-plant/feed/ 0 5835
Lychee/Lichee/Lichy Plant https://byplants.in/product/lychee-lichee-lichy-plant/ https://byplants.in/product/lychee-lichee-lichy-plant/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 18:16:14 +0000 https://byplants.in/?post_type=product&p=5833 Lychee is a tropical broadleaf evergreen tree native to China, where it grows in a warm, humid climate. Although grown commercially for its fruit, in landscapes it is often used as a shade tree or a specimen fruit tree.

The fruit of this tree consists of small, dimpled, fleshy drupes (clusters of three to 50 tiny fruits) with a light, perfumed flavor. The outside of the fruit has a rough, pink-red skin that is inedible and the inside flesh is clear to white and sweet. Trees usually do not produce fruit until they are at least three to five years old—it sometimes takes even longer. The fruit is usually eaten fresh or frozen and can be made into sauces, jam, puree, or preserves.

https://byplants.in/product/lychee-lichee-lichy-plant/feed/ 0 5833